water quality

Forest Land Donation Protects Open Space

Forest Land Donation Protects Open Space

The Chocorua Lake Conservancy (CLC) has gratefully received a donation of a 75-acre parcel of forestland off of Savary Road in Chocorua, NH. The new Browne, Greenough, VerPlanck Forest became official on December 17, 2021 with the gift of the property by the Browne, Greenough, and VerPlanck families.

Thank you to Jeff Schloss

Thank you to Jeff Schloss

UNH Extension Natural Resources Team Leader Jeff Schloss is retiring. Jeff played an integral role in the diagnosis and treatment of water quality challenges in Chocorua Lake in the later 1990s. Dwight Baldwin, a longtime CLC water quality volunteer, has shared this letter of gratitude to Jeff.

2020 Fall/Winter Newsletter

2020 Fall/Winter Newsletter

Our fall newsletter has hit the stands. Download a digital copy here.

Annual Meeting recording and Q&A

Annual Meeting recording and Q&A

If you missed our Annual Meeting, with an informative and important presentation by Dr. Bob Newton, Professor of Geosciences at Smith College, and Tara Schroeder, Education Coordinator at Green Mountain Conservation Group, you can watch it here!

Become a CLC Business Partner

Become a CLC Business Partner

Each year we ask local businesses if they would like to support our mission of protecting the scenic and natural resources of the Chocorua Lake Basin and creating safe and attractive public access to the lake and surrounding woods.