Big Night comes once, sometimes twice, each spring, or can occur as several medium or smaller nights. It's the magical moment when the temperature and humidity are just right, and spotted salamanders, wood frogs, and other amphibians migrate from wherever they wintered to nearby vernal pools and wetlands where they will breed.
Managing Land for Climate Resilience: NRCS EQIP CSAF Forestry Contract for the Browne, Greenough, VerPlanck Forest
Fall 2024 Newsletter
Update: The 2024 loon nesting season on Chocorua Lake
For the Love of Loons: A Loon Raft Story on Chocorua Lake
Bird Language resource list
First-ever CLC/GMCG Big Night!
We had an amazing, first-ever CLC & Green Mountain Conservation Group (GMCG) Big Night Salamander Brigade with a total of 156 amphibians crossing Washington Hill Road while we were out.
Pesticides & Pollinators
Owl Prowl Resource List
4.6 Billion Years of Chocorua Lake Conservancy History
This past September, the Friends of the Cook Memorial Library asked us to speak at their Annual Meeting and share the history and current activity of CLC with their group. Many thanks to the Friends for this invitation, which provided the impetus to write a short history of the Lake Basin and the CLC.