
Big Night Amphibian Crossing Brigades are Coming Soon!

Big Night Amphibian Crossing Brigades are Coming Soon!

Big Night comes once, sometimes twice, each spring, or can occur as several medium or smaller nights. It's the magical moment when the temperature and humidity are just right, and spotted salamanders, wood frogs, and other amphibians migrate from wherever they wintered to nearby vernal pools and wetlands where they will breed.

A Successful Chocorua Mountain Club Trail Clearing Day!

A Successful Chocorua Mountain Club Trail Clearing Day!

The Chocorua Mountain Club (CMC) Trails Committee of Chocorua Lake Conservancy (CLC) hosted its annual Trail Clearing Day on May 11, with 41 participants including volunteers, CLC staff, and U.S. Forest Service Trail Crew members from the USFS Saco Ranger District.

New Opportunities for Trail Stewardship!

New Opportunities for Trail Stewardship!

In 2023, Chocorua Mountain Club merged into Chocorua Lake Conservancy, and a new coalition of trail stewards is coming together to care for the well-used trails on Mount Chocorua. You’re invited, too!

4.6 Billion Years of Chocorua Lake Conservancy History

4.6 Billion Years of Chocorua Lake Conservancy History

This past September, the Friends of the Cook Memorial Library asked us to speak at their Annual Meeting and share the history and current activity of CLC with their group. Many thanks to the Friends for this invitation, which provided the impetus to write a short history of the Lake Basin and the CLC.

CMC Trails Committee seeks volunteers

CMC Trails Committee seeks volunteers

Now that the Chocorua Mountain Club has been merged into CLC, and as the CLC expands its own trail stewardship, we are seeking volunteers to help in different ways to care for the many trails up Mount Chocorua and on nearby conservation land.

2023 Fall/2024 Winter Newsletter

2023 Fall/2024 Winter Newsletter

Read about the work of a small land trust, Land Trust Alliance standards, upcoming projects to restore and stabilize the eastern shoreline of Chocorua Lake and repair the dam at the southern end of Little Lake, and the recent merger of the Chocorua Mountain Club into CLC. Also: a Q&A with the CLC Board of Directors, water snakes, fungi and forests, our Legacy Circle Challenge, and more!

Celebrating the Chocorua Mountain Club and Chocorua Lake Conservancy Merger

Celebrating the Chocorua Mountain Club and Chocorua Lake Conservancy Merger

Long before Chocorua Lake Conservancy was a twinkle in its founders’ eyes, and a whole decade before the founding of the White Mountain National Forest, the Chocorua Mountain Club (CMC) has been maintaining trails on Mount Chocorua…