
4.6 Billion Years of Chocorua Lake Conservancy History

4.6 Billion Years of Chocorua Lake Conservancy History

This past September, the Friends of the Cook Memorial Library asked us to speak at their Annual Meeting and share the history and current activity of CLC with their group. Many thanks to the Friends for this invitation, which provided the impetus to write a short history of the Lake Basin and the CLC.


2023 Spring/Summer Newsletter

2023 Spring/Summer Newsletter

Our spring/summer newsletter is out. It includes our Annual Report, stories about stewards, soil, lake bathymetry, poison ivy, and lots more! If you didn’t get one in the mail, hard copies will be available throughout the summer at our kiosks in the Grove and at the Island on Chocorua Lake, and in the CLC office in Chocorua Village, or you can download a digital version here.


Chocorua's Bottom

Chocorua's Bottom

Though we admire the topography surrounding Chocorua Lake, we seldom think about the fact that the lake bottom has its own topography, referred to as “bathymetry.” The shape of the land surface, above or below water, tells a story of the natural forces and processes that shaped the earth—how mountains and lakes came to be.


The Ossipee Aquifer: A Story of Water

The Ossipee Aquifer: A Story of Water

Film coming soon! In the meantime, you can experience some of the GORGEOUS art in this 30-foot communal painting in the “graphic novel” version of The Ossipee Aquifer: A Story of Water. Big thanks to Peggy Johnson for creating this version!


2021 Spring/Summer Newsletter

2021 Spring/Summer Newsletter

Writing, art, and poetry about the Chocorua Lake Basin, musings on the importance of naming things and knowing the names of things, photos at the lake from a 1920 family album, info about covenants, GIS, Leave No Trace, and loons, a calendar of summer events, updates on CLC activities, our Annual Report, and more.


2020 Fall/Winter Newsletter

2020 Fall/Winter Newsletter

Our fall newsletter has hit the stands. Download a digital copy here.


CLC featured in MWV Vibe!

CLC featured in MWV Vibe!

We are honored to be featured in the spring issue of MVW Vibe—check out the gorgeous cover photograph by Dan Houde of Wiseguy Creative, Editor of MWV Vibe.
