Are you passionate about conservation?
Do you love working outdoors? Have you been looking for a way to give back to the Chocorua Lake Basin? Offer your time, talents and interests, and it’s likely we have a volunteer opportunity to match it.
Photo: Lynne Flaccus
For more than 50 years, Chocorua Lake Conservancy was a volunteer-led land trust. At the heart of all nonprofit organizations are the volunteers who make the mission of the organization possible. Land trusts such as the CLC offer people a way to protect the land and lakes they love, close to home. We can do great things because of the people who get involved. Our volunteers monitor properties, work on special conservation projects and maintenance of public access spaces on stewardship days, plan or help out on the day of events, work on trails or in the office, serve on committees (read about them here, and see if one sounds like a good fit) and serve on our Board of Directors.
If you want to get involved, fill out the form below to give us an idea of your volunteering interests. We’ll contact you via email about volunteer opportunities, and you can sign up if you're available and interested. We look forward to connecting with you. Thank you!
Banner: Chip spreading crew in the Grove by Chocorua Lake. Recognize anyone? Photo: Lynne Flaccus