Our fall newsletter has hit the stands (you’ll be able to find hard copies at the two Chocorua Lake kiosks at the Grove and Island). Read all about what summer was like at the lake in this unusual year, about Gary Jones, who with his crew built the gorgeous stone wall at the Basin View Lot, about the pleasures of the Chocorua Map app, and lots more! Download a digital copy here.
“Things are noticeably cooling off. Wind picks up. No bugs though. That’s good. The colors change daily. Everything is drifting into red and violet with some burned orange. Nobody is around except an occasional leaf peeper. There are so many things going on in the world right now. Many of them are bad. But when I am in this field it is just me and the mountain and the fast changing light. Scrambling for grace.” —Alex Kanevsky, this October | Photo (and painting): Alex Kanevsky
Banner: Ashana Michaels on the Narrows Bridge, from the Women of Tamworth calendar, 2002. Photo: Annie Provenzano