We're looking for volunteers!

Looking for fun ways to get involved in the community and lend a hand? Do you have skills or knowledge you love to share? We’re always looking for volunteers!

Stewardship Days

Stewardship of the land we care for takes helping hands and minds. Check out our upcoming Stewardship Days if you are looking to get outside and work in good company. Brush and field clearing, shrub weeding and mulching, trail work, mulching the lake access areas, and invasive plant removal, are all Stewardship Day tasks during the course of the summer and fall. You are always welcome to join and stay for as little or long as you like.

Property Stewards & Monitors

Would you like to become a volunteer Property Steward? Or Property Monitor? We rely on volunteers to help with property management, and conducting annual reviews of lands that the CLC stewards. If you enjoy a walk in the woods, either on or off trail, would like to learn more about the area, and to explore on your own time, this is a great volunteer experience. We provide the training and maps, you’ll provide the extra eyes and feet on the ground. 

Volunteer Stewards and Monitors visit properties one to four times a year depending on the property, and file a brief report of conditions. The newly donated Theodore and Alice Browne Memorial Forest on Washington Hill Road and the Burtt Lot north of the lake are two properties in need of a steward and monitor. Perfect properties for exploration!

Watering shrubs!

Bucket brigade! Another seasonal task we would like help with is watering some of the shrubs we have planted at the Grove at Chocorua Lake, and at the Chocorua Lake Basin View Lot. As you know, it has been a dry year and even the shrubs planted last year are struggling. Maybe you have a watering can and a bucket or two around your house? A few one-gallon milk jugs? Maybe you pass by these sites on your commute or would want to take an extra 10 minutes to help water when you come for a swim?  

No one volunteer has to do it all, we can assign you your own patch of plants and you can go when it works for you. We’ll coordinate with other volunteers to fill in other days and locations. Buckets of water can come from the lake for the shoreline plants. Water jugs for the View Lot will have to come from your house or be filled at the lake. What better way to learn about some of the plants growing in the lakeshore buffer than by watering them and seeing how they grow.


Are you a carpenter? Have some wood shop skills and tools that you can use for a project or two? We are looking for anyone who would like to make a few trail and property signs with a router. Or maybe you’d be interested in helping to build a small sign kiosk for the Clark Reserve? Or a sign for our newly acquired property on Washington Hill Road? We’ll provide guidance on the dimensions and words needed.

Committee members

If you are looking for ways to exercise your brain, we’re always looking for volunteers to join our Committees and offer creative ideas, help with events, education, and background research for property management and funding sources. You can read about the work of our committees here.

Many hands make light work—we can find a volunteer task for you!

You can fill out the volunteer form here, email Lynne, or call her at the office (603-323-6252) for more information or if you have questions.

Banner image: A walk in the beautiful woods. Trail work at the Clark Reserve in 2019. Photo: Lynne Flaccus