
GMCG Wildlife Corridors Workshop replay and resource list

GMCG Wildlife Corridors Workshop replay and resource list

A big thank you to Green Mountain Conservation Group for hosting CLC Stewardship Director Deb Marnich and Haley Andreozzi from UNHCE for Wednesday’s Wildlife Corridors Workshop. If you missed it, here is the replay and the resource list from GMCG—thanks to them for this, as well, and for all the work they do protecting the water in this region.

2023 Fall/2024 Winter Newsletter

2023 Fall/2024 Winter Newsletter

Read about the work of a small land trust, Land Trust Alliance standards, upcoming projects to restore and stabilize the eastern shoreline of Chocorua Lake and repair the dam at the southern end of Little Lake, and the recent merger of the Chocorua Mountain Club into CLC. Also: a Q&A with the CLC Board of Directors, water snakes, fungi and forests, our Legacy Circle Challenge, and more!