A big thank you to Green Mountain Conservation Group for hosting CLC Stewardship Director Deb Marnich and Haley Andreozzi from UNHCE for Wednesday’s Wildlife Corridors Workshop. If you missed it, here is the replay and the resource list from GMCG—thanks to them for this, as well, and for all the amazing work they do protecting the water in this region.
Thank you for attending Wednesday's Wildlife Corridors workshop with Green Mountain Conservation Group, UNH Cooperative Extension, and Chocorua Lake Conservancy—we hope you enjoyed it (and if you missed it, the recording is below!). Please feel free to share the recording with others who may find it of interest. Special thanks to experts Haley Andreozzi and Debra Marnich for sharing their extensive knowledge of wildlife and wildlife corridors in New Hampshire and our local region, as well as resources and tools for landowners and conservation planners looking to protect and enhance these essential networks for wildlife.
Wildlife Corridors Workshop Replay
Please find some resources mentioned in the workshop below, such as the NH Wildlife Corridors map created by NH Fish and Game, the wildlife sightings website for reporting wildlife observations, and upcoming workshops and programs that may be of interest. Thank you again for attending and for your support of these partner organizations' work to protect the natural resources in New Hampshire and our local watershed.
Wildlife Corridors Resources
NH Fish & Game Wildlife Corridors Map: https://www.wildlife.nh.gov/wildlife-and-habitat/nh-wildlife-corridors
NH Wildlife Sightings website: https://nhwildlifesightings.unh.edu/
NH DES Aquatic Restoration Mapper: https://www.des.nh.gov/sites/g/files/ehbemt341/files/documents/arm-mapper-manual.pdf
USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service NH Service Centers: https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/NewHampshire/ServiceCenters
Carroll County Conservation District: https://www.carrollccd.org/
USDA Farm Service Agency State Offices: https://offices.sc.egov.usda.gov/locator/app?state=nh&agency=fsa
UNH Landowner Resources: https://www.wildlife.nh.gov/hunting-nh/landowner-relations-program/landowner-resources
Conserving Your Land Publication: https://nhltc.org/resources/conserving-your-land-publication
Wildlife Corridors Brochure: https://extension.unh.edu/resource/wildlife-corridors (To receive hard copies of the new UNH Cooperative Extension Wildlife Corridors brochure, please contact Haley.)
Taking Action for Wildlife, a partnership between UNH Extension, NH Fish & Game and NH Association of Conservation Commissions that supports communities, conservation groups, and individuals with resources, tools, and training for conserving New Hampshire's wildlife and habitats: https://www.takingactionforwildlife.org/
Upcoming GMCG Events: https://gmcg.org/education-2/workshops-special-events/
Sign up for GMCG e-blasts to learn of future workshops, trainings, hikes and other events with GMCG here.
Enjoy GMCG's Fall Newsletter and learn about current projects and upcoming programs. Stay tuned for the Winter Newsletter coming in January!
UNH Cooperative Extension Programs for Natural Resources: https://extension.unh.edu/natural-resources
Chocorua Lake Conservancy events: https://www.chocorualake.org/events
Please consider making a donation to support GMCG today, as well as our partners!
Banner image: Bobcats. Photo: Debra Marnich