Moonlight Owl Prowl
Come listen for owls and experience the world of nocturnal animals by the light of a near full moon.
Come listen for owls and experience the world of nocturnal animals by the light of a near full moon.
On Saturday, February 8 from 2–10 PM, join us for Winter Fest, a fun-filled community event offering a variety of indoor and outdoor activities for all ages.
The area around Chocorua Lake provides a widely diverse and rich fungal habitat. Ever wonder about the hundreds of miles of mycelium beneath our feet, of which we see only the fruiting bodies? Or which mushrooms are poisonous or edible?
Join us for a movement workshop with Indian classical dancer Mouli Pal, at the Grove at Chocorua Lake. Workshop participants will explore the lake through Indian classical dance Mudras.
The area around Chocorua Lake provides a widely diverse and rich fungal habitat. Ever wonder about the hundreds of miles of mycelium beneath our feet, of which we see only the fruiting bodies? Or which mushrooms are poisonous or edible?
Please join us! Burgers, sausages, hot dogs & non-alcoholic drinks provided. Feel free to bring a salad or dessert to share.
Learn about the recent work of CLC, hear from our Executive Director, Alex Moot, have a chance to talk to the Board of Directors, vote for a slate of board nominees, find out about volunteer opportunities, and more.
Land conservation and stewardship, free public access to Chocorua Lake for all visitors, trails on beautiful conservation lands, an exciting land donation—and a chance to visit with CLC staff and board members old and new, and friends and neighbors who share a love of the Chocorua Lake Basin.
Please join us for our CLC Member Cookout at beautiful Chocorua Park in Chocorua Village next to the dam waterfall!
With cold winters and long dark nights comes the opportunity to experience the unique magic of being outdoors in the brightness of a full moon on snow.
Food and fire, nature and art, indoors and outdoors, community connections and fun!
We invite current and prospective CLC volunteers to join us behind the Cook Memorial Library in Tamworth for conversation, learning, tea and coffee, and light breakfast treats.
Land conservation and stewardship, public access at Chocorua Lake, and a chance to visit with friends and neighbors who share a love of the Chocorua Lake Basin.
Please join us for our CLC Members Cookout at beautiful Chocorua Park in Chocorua Village next to the dam waterfall.
Celebrate the end of summer and the gift of community with a magical lantern parade on Chocorua Lake at dusk.
Please join us! Burgers, sausages, hot dogs & non-alcoholic drinks provided. Feel free to bring a salad or dessert to share.
Please join us for our Annual Meeting! Land conservation and stewardship, public access at Chocorua Lake, the newly opened Basin View Lot, an exciting forest land donation, and a chance to visit with friends and neighbors who share a love of the Chocorua Lake Basin.
Please join us for our first CLC Members Cookout since 2019, at the beautiful Chocorua Park in Chocorua Village next to the dam waterfall!
Safe drinking water for the Chocorua area, land conservation and stewardship, public access, and a chance to say hello to people near and far who love the Chocorua Lake Basin!
Please join us on Saturday, August 31, at 5PM, at Timberlea in Chocorua, for our annual Donor & Volunteer Appreciation Party!
Learn how to attract wildlife to your backyard, hear about conservation and stewardship efforts in the Chocorua Lake Basin, and shhh...Mount Chocorua has some news, too!
Please join us! Burgers, hot dogs & non-alcoholic drinks provided. Please bring a salad or dessert to share.
Burgers, hot dogs & non-alcoholic drinks provided. Please bring a salad or dessert to share. Cookout will be outdoors in full sun—bring a hat for sun protection!