What can we learn from the surprising and magical appearance of these tiny, elegant creatures in Chocorua Lake in 2022?
The Ossipee Aquifer: A Story of Water
Tools for Conservation: My Work Experience in New Hampshire and at Chocorua Lake Conservancy
2022 Fall/2023 Winter Newsletter
Nature Notes: Fantastic Fall Facts from our Stewardship Director
Smooth Green Snake: Why Protecting and Maintaining Critical Habitat in the Chocorua Lake Basin Matters
Recently we spotted a smooth green snake (Liochlorophis vernalis) resting on the edge of a CLC field. NH Fish & Game lists the smooth green snake as a species of special concern, vulnerable throughout New Hampshire due to loss of open field habitat. New Hampshire is eighty percent forested, so maintaining field habitat in this region is especially important.
Chocorua Lake Conservancy Hires Debra Marnich as Stewardship Director
Save a Loon—Turn in Your Lead Fishing Tackle!
Bears in the Basin
New Hampshire Fish and Game recommends only hanging bird feeders outside between December 1, or the full onset of winter, and April 1, and taking care to keep garbage and other temptations inaccessible—to protect bears as well as humans and bird feeders.