The legacy of the Chocorua Lake community was shaped by its founders who in the late 19th century were at the forefront of the conservation movement.
A contemporary photograph merges seamlessly with a vintage 1918 postcard, thanks to generations of CLC members. Postcard from the collection of Pete Wagner. Photo: Alex Moot
The will of Charles P. Bowditch, who owned 80% of the land around Chocorua Lake in the 1890s, expressed his intent “To insure in the future, as I have attempted to insure in the past, the keeping of the shores of the Chocorua ponds in as natural and wild a state as possible.”
Almost 100 years after his death, we would like to think that C.P. Bowditch would be proud of what has become of his beloved Chocorua. The lake, the basin, and the surrounding area remains almost as pristine today as it was a hundred years ago. While it may seem effortless, an immeasurable amount of work has gone into keeping the Chocorua Lake Basin essentially unchanged.
For the past 50 years, the CLC and its predecessors have quietly but effectively helped preserve and protect the basin. Thanks to the vision of its founders, the generosity of its donors, and the dedication of its board members and volunteers, the CLC protects or owns almost all properties bordering on and visible from Chocorua Lake.
But ensuring that Chocorua Lake and surrounding land are protected and conserved forever is a constant effort. That is why as we head into our 50th year we have launched the Timeless Chocorua capital campaign to protect this area now and forever.
For more information about the Timeless Chocorua campaign,
please visit
1) The Basin View Lot: Since the 19th century, this property on Route 16 on the top of the hill south of Chocorua Lake has been owned and thoughtfully maintained by the Bowditch family, who have carefully preserved the vista, the barn, and the stone walls. They have also kindly let passersby park and walk on the land to take photographs. The CLC has reached an agreement with the Bowditch family to purchase a more comprehensive easement that continues the practices the family has always followed, and in addition will:
Forever prevent a house or other structures from being built on the Basin View Lot.
Ensure visitors have convenient access to a defined public access area in perpetuity.
Provide a safer, off-highway parking area for visitors.
Ensure continued maintenance of the exterior of the historic barn.
Restore the historic view of the Narrows Bridge and Chocorua Lake from the publicly accessible viewing area.
[caption id="attachment_6164" align="alignright" width="437"] View from the Basin View Lot[/caption]
2) Stewardship Fund: Land stewardship is how the Chocorua Lake Conservancy keeps its promises. It is how we truly protect the land—long after the excitement of a new property or easement has faded. A Stewardship Fund will provide annual income for a full-time Stewardship Director (currently Lynne Flaccus) to manage a professional stewardship program to effectively protect the almost 4,000 acres under its care. Maintaining and protecting this land on almost 140 properties in perpetuity is impossible for an all-volunteer organization. To perform this task consistently and efficiently, we need the help of an experienced staff member who can help recruit, train and manage volunteers.
3) Chocorua Lake & Land Access Fund: The awe-inspiring view of Mount Chocorua from the Grove on the southern end of Chocorua Lake attracts thousands of visitors annually. Since the 1870s this three-acre spot, the 17-acre area known as The Island, and the 5800 feet of publicly accessible lakefront, have attracted locals and tourists alike. Since 1968, the CLC has funded the maintenance and cleanliness of these areas for use and enjoyment by all. The CLC receives no federal, state, or town funds for this purpose, which makes up about 30% of its annual operating budget. This fund will support:
A Lake Patrol Officer (currently Troy Emerson) who visits all CLC-maintained public access areas at Chocorua Lake twice a day, seven days a week, from May through October.
Erosion control, landscaping, and shoreline maintenance.
Parking area maintenance.
Portable toilet rentals.
Trail maintenance in the Bolles Reserve and other CLC maintainedconservation lands.
Repairs and periodic replacement of the historic wooden railings on the Narrows Bridge.
Maintenance of the dam at the outlet from the Little Lake to the Chocorua River.
Tamworth Foundation's Challenge Grant
We are honored that The Tamworth Foundation is supporting the CLC in this effort with a challenge grant. The Tamworth Foundation will match every dollar up to $20,000 donated by New Hampshire residents between now and Labor Day. The mission of The Tamworth Foundation, according to TTF board member Gail Marrone, “is to support and enhance the quality of life in Tamworth through our grants and projects. The Timeless Chocorua campaign is critical to supporting the health and sustainability of a local resource that plays such an important role in the lives of our citizens.”
Campaign Results
The CLC board launched the Timeless Chocorua campaign in August 2016. As of June 15, 2018, the CLC has raised $1.51 million in campaign gifts and pledges from 169 generous families and $136,050 in approved grant funding. While the CLC is already 91% of the way towards meeting our $1.8 million campaign goal, an additional $154,000 remains to be raised. We hope to wrap up the Timeless Chocorua campaign by the end of the summer or early fall.
To make a donation to the Timeless Chocorua campaign,
or for more information, please visit