“Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.”
April 28, 2020
Dear CLC members and friends,
There are moments in history when sobering words define us. The phrase “Global Pandemic” leaves us speechless, even breathless. In contrast, words can be playful as we begin to adapt and resist, as in the now-familiar oxymoron “Alone Together.” Yet within our togetherness, we remain anxious. We are uncertain, and instinctively, we seek reassurance that this will pass and that we will find normalcy again.
As the CLC seeks your membership renewal during this difficult time, understand that it is our mission that offers reassurance. We perform acts of care for things that are foundational: the land, the water, the forests, natural habitats, and those amazing views. These are our references for what is normal, what is comforting and stable. It is the preservation of these things we hold dear that calls the CLC into action. Even at a time of “social distancing,” we are undaunted:
Rest assured that we are managing our lands, enforcing our covenants, and protecting our conservation easements under the guidance of our stewardship director, Lynne Flaccus.
Rest assured that we are improving the areas of public access at The Grove and The Island. In May we will safely be hanging new signs, spring cleaning, and spreading wood chips. We are formulating plans for “hardened” canoe and kayak launch sites to protect the shoreline from excessive wear.
Rest assured that we are monitoring the water quality in the lake. Thank you, Dwight Baldwin, for your detailed reports!
Rest assured that we are maintaining and developing trails at the C.C. Browne Memorial Woods, tackling invasive bittersweet on the Brown Lot, and supporting diverse habitats for native plants and animals.
Rest assured that our Outreach and Education continues, whether it be Lynne’s programs at Cook Memorial Library (How do animals adapt to the cold?) when we are able to hold them, or our wonderfully informative and attractive newsletters, produced by the masterful hands of Juno Lamb and Lynne. These same masterful hands have crafted an upgraded CLC website. Visit www.chocorualake.org to discover a volunteer opportunity, an informative event, a fun experience, or some piece of our history.
And rest assured that we continue with BIG projects! Witness the Basin View Lot as large machines and shovels sculpt the parking and viewing areas, as stonemasons create a stonewall perimeter and benches, and as a beautiful sign credits those who made this possible. Expect a safer and more attractive area to appreciate arguably the most iconic viewshed in New Hampshire.
Your continued membership matters. Much of this work is done by volunteers, but the scale of our work requires financial support from those people who believe in our mission to keep the Chocorua Lake Basin beautiful and natural for our families and friends, neighbors, visitors, and for the generations to come.
Finally, the CLC board has lowered the Family and Individual membership dues. We hope this expresses our appreciation and gratitude for the value each of our donors brings to our organization, and that those who have the financial resources to do so will renew their CLC membership at last year's dollar level.
Be safe and thank you for renewing your membership!
Sheldon Perry,
Vice President, Chocorua Lake Conservancy
Banner: Wall-building underway at the Basin View Lot. Photo: Juno Lamb