Geochemist and geobiologist Hope Jahren observes that “Every acorn on the ground is just as alive as the three-hundred-year-old oak tree that towers over it.” Just as alive, and far more edible….
Oak trees laden with acorns. Photo: Juno Lamb
Please join Chocorua Lake Conservancy on Saturday, November 16 from 10 AM–1 PM, for The Incredible Edible Oak at Charlotte C. Browne Woods on Washington Hill Road, with naturalist Kyle Ball.
Across the northern temperate and mediterranean forests of North America and Eurasia, Oak species have been used by humans for construction, woodcraft, weapons, furniture, shade, toys and many other things. One thing that modern humans tend to overlook is how important these tree species were as a staple food source for cultures around the world prior to agriculture or as a supplement to food stores in a bad agricultural harvest year.
We will learn how to identify the four Oak species in this area by leaf, bud, bark, acorn, habitat, and shape. We will then learn how to efficiently and safely collect, cure, shell, process, and store acorns for eating. We'll have a fire going to stay warm on the mid-November day and cook some acorn pancakes for all to share.
Kyle Ball. Photo: Juno Lamb
Please dress appropriately for the weather, wear good walking shoes, and bring water and a snack or lunch. You may wish to bring sun or bug protection. Free for CLC members, $10 suggested donation for non-members, and space is limited. All ages are welcome; kids, please bring a caregiver with you! Please register in advance above so that we can let you know of any changes in the schedule. Rain/storm date will be Sunday, November 17.
Kyle Ball taught Dendrology for four semesters while studying for his undergraduate and graduate degrees at the University of New Hampshire. He has been interested in plants and foraging for 20 years. His other passion is wildlife tracking. He teaches wildlife tracking through his company New England Wildlife Tracking and also facilitates free tracking outings for the Bearcamp Trackers in Tamworth, NH.
Banner image: Acorns! Photo: Juno Lamb