The area around Chocorua Lake provides a widely diverse and rich fungal habitat. Ever wonder about the hundreds of miles of mycelium beneath our feet, of which we see only the fruiting bodies? Or which mushrooms are poisonous or edible?
Please join us on Saturday, October 8, from 10AM-12PM, for a Mushroom Walk at the Charlotte C. Browne Woods on Washington Hill Road, with Eric Milligan of the New Hampshire Mushroom Company. Participants will observe, collect, and receive hands-on experience with different types of fungi found in the area, and learn how fungi play an integral role in the forest ecosystem and the preservation of the lake. With the recent rain, the woods are full of a diversity of mushrooms right now!
Please dress appropriately for the weather and wear good walking shoes—we will be walking some way over uneven ground. You may wish to bring sun or tick protection. This program is free, and space is limited. Please register in advance below so that we can let you know of any changes in the schedule.
Eric Milligan. Photo: Rich Collins
Eric Milligan, an avid mushroom forager, began his study of fungi around 2002. Ten years later, he and his partners turned their hobby into a profession: New Hampshire Mushroom Company. In addition to providing fresh specialty mushrooms throughout New England, and closer to home at the Tamworth Farmers’ Market and seven days a week at their facility, NHMC also educates the public about all things mushroom through a multitude of mushroom-related classes, and tours of their unique growing facility in Tamworth. They are also happy to ID wild mushrooms for you—just bring them by the farm and ask for Eric.
Banner image: Chicken of the Woods, Laetiporus sulphureus. Photo: Juno Lamb