Come explore Chocorua Lake with us as we investigate flora and fauna, and search for signs of invasive aquatic plants.
On Friday, August 7, from 8-10:30AM, join Chocorua Lake Conservancy Stewardship Director Lynne Flaccus for a Chocorua Lake Paddle. We’ll meet at the Island public access parking area and work our way along the north shore to where the Chocorua River enters and beyond, learning about the plants and other aquatic species native to the lake and region, and how to differentiate them from potential invasive species.
Many different kinds of native plants and animals can be found in the lake and August is a wonderful time to explore. While we paddle, we’ll identify what we find, and search for any sign of exotics that shouldn’t be there. We’ll have some ID sheets that we can use in our detective work—hopefully not finding anything other than what should be growing there!
This will be an informal paddle, but we hope you’ll come along to learn about what’s in the lake and what to look for when you are out on the lake on your own—and to learn about how to reduce the chances of spreading exotics when you move your own equipment from place to place. Amy Smagula from the NH Department of Environmental Services has provided us with some “Weed Watcher Kits” which we will supply to anyone who might be interested in more formal exotic species patrols. Perhaps the trip will trigger a passion for becoming a Weed Watcher on Chocorua, or on another of your favorite ponds or lakes. Want a primer in advance: visit to watch a webinar with Amy Smagula, “Protecting Our Lakes from Aquatic Invasive Species.”
Participants should call ahead—603-323-6252—or email to let us know if you will be coming. Masks, your own canoe or kayak, paddle and life jacket are required. Once on the water in the great fresh air, we can pull our masks down while we paddle and use social distancing.
Naturalist Lynne Flaccus has 30 years of experience in land conservation and stewardship, managing protected properties, studying wildlife, and educating adults and children.
Banner: Kayak bow in Chocorua Lake. Photo: Alex Moot