Why did the turtle cross the road?
Join the Chocorua Lake Conservancy at the Cook Memorial Library in Tamworth for a presentation on the turtles of New Hampshire.
Lynne Flaccus, naturalist and CLC Stewardship Director, will share her enthusiasm and passion for these slow-moving (most of the time) reptiles. Come learn about these ancient reptiles whose ancestors have been around for 250 million years. New Hampshire is home to eight species of turtle—who lives in your neighborhood and favorite swimming hole? Some are common, others are listed as endangered or threatened, but all are amazing creatures with adaptations that have helped them survive since the time of dinosaurs.
Ever wonder why turtles crosses the road and how to safely help them across? How they breathe under the ice of winter? How climate change may affect the sex of turtles? Do snappers really eat loons? Bring your curiosity, your own knowledge, and stories you might have about these shelled creatures. With images and stories, we’ll discuss the tools they have for survival and what we can do to help make sure they’re around for another million years. Questions: 603-323-6252.
About the Presenter:
Naturalist Lynne Flaccus has 30 years of experience in land conservation and stewardship, managing protected properties, studying wildlife, and educating adults and children.
Photo: Judy Paul